At DMA-Diana T. Myers and Associates, Inc., our range of experience providing consulting services to both public and private agencies has made us the “go to” consultants for activities related to increasing affordable accessible housing options for low income families and individuals.
The following highlights some of our accomplishments. DMA has:
- Provided State Level Strategic Planning for seniors, adults with autism, people with serious mental illness and co-occurring disorders, and individuals needing long term living services that have influenced state policies and directed the development of new programs and projects.
- Coordinated state, regional, and county Continuum of Care processes since 1997, generating over $730 million from HUD for homeless housing and service programs.
- Created a 6 module web-based Housing 101 training series for staff helping individuals to transition from nursing homes into the community.
- Helped to establish Local Housing Options Teams (LHOTs) bringing together housing and service providers in 43 counties in PA and provided technical assistance to these groups and other state and local agencies on how to expand housing opportunities for elderly and people with special needs.
- Conducted housing studies and needs assessments that have helped communities to meet federal, state and local program requirements and also guided local housing activities.
- Prepared successful grant applications to fund affordable housing and services from: federal sources including the Veterans Administration Supportive Services for Veterans Families (SSVF) Program and HUD Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA) Projects of National Significance; state sources including the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program and HOME Investment Partnerships Program, PHARE; and private sources including the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh and the Pew Charitable Trust.
These services are provided by our experienced staff. Learn more about our staff by clicking on their name:
- Leigh Howard, President (he/him)
- Christy Rubenstein, Senior Associate (she/her)
- Helen Kelly, Associate (she/her)
- Jessica Sones, Associate (she/her)
- Fern Cutler, Office Manager (she/her)
- Ciarra Johnson, Western PA Continuum of Care Staff (she/her)