DMA has extensive experience working with a wide variety of clients to provide an array of services related to housing, homelessness and community development issues. Past and current clients include the following:
- Abington Township, Pennsylvania (PA)
- Accessible Dreams
- ActionAIDS
- Adonai, Inc.
- American Red Cross of Lower Bucks County
- Asociacion de Puertorriquenos en Marcha (APM)
- The Beacon Company
- Borough of State College, Pennsylvania
- Bucks County, Pennsylvania
- Calcutta House
- Carbon / Monroe / Pike Mental Health/Mental Retardation Program
- Catholic Social Services (CSS)
- Centre County, Pennsylvania
- The Center City District (Philadelphia)
- The Center for Rural Pennsylvania
- Chester County First Time Homebuyers Consortium
- Chester County Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD)
- ChesPenn Health Center, Inc.
- City of Indianapolis
- Commission on Economic Opportunity, Luzerne County
- Community Housing Services, Inc.
- Covenant House of Pennsylvania
- The Crozer Chester Foundation
- Delaware County Department of Human Services
- Delaware County Office of Housing and Community Development
- Domestic Abuse Project
- East Park CDC
- Ecumenical Information AIDS Resource Center
- Elwyn, Inc.
- Enterprise Foundation
- Family and Community Service of Delaware County
- Fitzmaurice Community Services, Inc.
- Galilee Pavilion
- Generations of Hope
- Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition
- Greene County Department of Human Services
- The Grosse Development Group
- Holy Redeemer Health System
- Housing Consortium for Disabled Individuals
- Housing Partnership of Chester County
- ICF International
- Institute on Disability, Temple University
- Interfaith Housing Action Network
- Interfaith Housing Development Corporation of Bucks County
- Interfaith of Ambler and Vicinity
- Lancaster County, PA
- Laurel House
- Lower Merion Development Corporation
- Lower Merion Township, Pennsylvania
- Main Line Federal Savings Bank
- Metro Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless (Omaha, NE)
- Mifflin County Department of Human Services
- Milestones (A Division of Salisbury Behavioral Health)
- Montgomery County, Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Disabilities
- Montgomery County Housing Coalition
- Montgomery County, Office of Housing and Community Development
- Nehemiah’s Way
- Nurse Family Partnership
- One Day at a Time
- Opening Doors of Fairfield County
- Opportunities Industrialization Center of America
- Partnership for Strong Communities
- Penndel Mental Health
- Pennsylvania Association of Area Agencies on Aging, Inc. (P4A)
- Pennsylvania Bureau of Autism Services (BAS)
- Pennsylvania Coalition of AIDS Service Organizations (PCASO)
- Pennsylvania Department of Aging
- Pennsylvania Department of Community Affairs
- Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED)
- Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (DPW)
- Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council (PADDC)
- Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission
- Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA)
- Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Council (PIC)
- Pennsylvania Long Term Living Training Institute (LTLTI)
- Pennsylvania Neighborworks Coalition
- Pennsylvania Office of Long Term Living (OLTL) (formerly Governor’s Office of Health Care Reform (PA)
- Pennsylvania Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS)
- Pennsylvania Office of Mental Retardation (OMR)
- Peoples Emergency Center
- Philadelphia Committee for the Homeless
- Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (PCA)
- Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Services (DBHIDS)
- Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation (PHDC)
- Philadelphia Neighborhood Enterprise
- Philadelphia Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD)
- Poplar Enterprise Community Development Corporation
- Prince William County, VA
- Private Industry Council of Philadelphia
- Resources for Human Development (RHD)
- Rockhill Mennonite Community
- Savannah Landmarks Rehabilitation Corporation
- Self Determination Housing Project of Pennsylvania (SDHP)
- St. James Housing Corporation
- Susquehanna Builders
- Susquehanna Valley Development Corporation
- Sullivan County, Pennsylvania
- Tara Development, Inc.
- Tenant Action Group
- The Community Builders
- The National Shared Housing Resource Center
- Tri-County Commission for Community Action
- Tri-County Support Group, Inc.
- Union County Housing Authority
- United Cerebral Palsy of Lancaster County
- United Cerebral Palsy of Pennsylvania
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Philadelphia Area Office
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Pittsburgh Area Office
- Urban League of Greater Harrisburg
- Volunteers of America
- Women’s Association for Women’s Alternatives (WAWA, Inc.)
- Washington County, PA, Dept. of Human Services
- West Oak Lane Community Development Corporation
- Westmoreland County, PA
- Willow Grove Air Force Base (WGAB)
- York County Criminal Justice Advisory Board
- York County Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD)
- YWCA of Greater Harrisburg
- YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh